Kivi Electric Tip Up Plate
The electrical tip-up plate is used by people who find it difficult to transfer from the wheelchair to the car seat and vice versa: it serves as a transfer bridge between car seat and wheelchair,
whenever they are located at different heights, as in the case of MPVs and off-road vehicles.
The electrical tip-up plate can be installed on vehicles with three or five doors, on either the driverside or the passenger side; it does not alter the original making of the car and it does not
require the replacement of the seat or of the seat belt.
It’s recommended in case of vehicles such as MPVs or off-road vehicles, with really high seats: the user transfers from the wheelchair to the tip-up plate and the plate rises up to the seat level,
by means of an electric motor. The user controls the up and down movement by means of a push-button handset or a switch, arranged in a convenient position.
When travelling, the plate has to be removed in order to avoid obstructions for other car users. The electrical tip-up plate is provided with a safety system which automatically stops its
rising at the end of the stroke and hinders its start up when the corresponding door is closed.