Holden R8 Clubsport Wagon

Holden R8 Clubsport Wagon What a weapon, we were lucky enough to install Guidosimplex E radial hand controls, a PME tri pin Spinner and custom shifter to this awesome supercharged R8 wagon, we were able to maintain steering column adjustment so both our client and her partner could altar the steering wheel to suit their […]
Subaru Forester

2018 Subaru Forester This Subaru Forester has been modified with a right-sided Turney Evo seat base, utilising the factory seat retaining the side airbag, seat heater and electric seat back adjustments. The Turney Evo base was mounted as low as possible in the vehicle to ensure correct head clearance was obtained while the client passed […]
Volkswagen Passat

2016 Volkswagen Passat This Passat was fitted out to help our client regain her independence. We installed Fadiel wireless satellite hand control with Fadiel brake bar, an Abiliquip sliding transfer plate, and of course the Abiloader to the rear of the vehicle to assist with stowing the wheelchair. We also fabricated and installed a custom […]
Land Rover Discovery

2017 Land Rover Discovery This Land Rover discovery was fitted with an Autochair smart transfer, it was important the post was mounted in the correct position to ensure easy operation with limited space. A great solution for assisted transfers. Options Autochair smart transfer
Volkswagen Passat R36

Volkswagen Passat R36 This sporty R36 Volkswagen is fitted with a Guidosimplex over ring and radial brake bar. A great combination enabling driving with both hands on the wheel. Options Guido simplex over ring Radial brake bar
Volkswagen Transporter Highline

2018 Volkswagen Transporter Highline This conversion gave the client the flexibility of being able to use a manual or power chair entering through the side of his vehicle, transferring across to the Paravan seat base in either the driver or passenger position. The factory seats and their full electric functions were retained keeping the vehicles […]
John Deere Gator

John Deere Gator This Gator was modified for a client living on a rural property he wanted the ability to take a wheelchair with them whilst travelling through the paddocks. We manufactured a custom frame to support the wymo wheelchair hoist. Options Wymo wheelchair hoist
Isuzu D Max

Isuzu D Max Another custom mobility build with a custom set of requirements, this client wanted the flexibility of being able to go caravanning and also go camping in the bush. In the cabin we fitted Turney Evo seat base to the right-hand position utilising the factory seat and retaining the safety feature of the […]
Audi Q5 RS

Audi Q5 RS The sporty little number was fitted with a set of Guidosimplex E radial hand controls mounted as high as possible to give good clearance whilst transferring to the vehicle and also retaining steering column adjustment. Options: Guidosimplex E radial hand controls
Toyota Landcruiser

Toyota Landcruiser Electronic Radial Hand Control Replacement Our great client Wendy came to us in a very uncomfortable position, her hand controls had been digging into her legs for the past 5 years. Upon inspection we noticed the controls were very low and also removable, which was a requirement when they were installed in New […]