Carony Go
Transfer wheelchair system
The Carony is a system that transforms the car seat into a wheelchair and allows for a vehicle transfer that eliminates any manual handling of the occupant. The Carony base docks into the swivel seat in the vehicle, either the Turny or Turnout variants, and the entire seat easily slide from the car onto the wheelchair base.
The Carony Go is the power wheelchair option in the transfer wheelchair systems with an easy to use joystick used to operate the wheelchair. It can do a full turn on the spot for increased manoeuvrability around tight spaces and the handle can be folded down so the wheelchair can be positioned at a table setting.
There are 3 seating options for the wheelchair to suit the occupant’s needs, the Bev seat, Compact seat or Recaro seat.
This system is the alternative to modifying the vehicle for wheelchair access where the wheelchair occupant does not need a specialised wheelchair.
The key features of the Carony Go include:
Occupant remains in the seat when transferring in and out of the vehicle
Can be used as a normal power wheelchair
Left or Right side joysticks available
Suitable for both children and adults
Max speed of 6.5 km/h
Max range of 25km on a full charge
Wheelchair base can be adjusted in height electrically
Option of footrests to suit the occupant’s needs
Fire-resistant seats
Crash tested and approved to ISO 7176 and ISO 10542 and CE marked